Thursday 1 April 2010

Massive Attack

First single from the world's hottest female rapper right now. I heard this was pure garbage. Not that bad and I can see this going down well her with army of Barbies.


  1. her arse is kinda big still..dunno bou her rappin, nor the whole video for that lacked substance

  2. LOOOOVE the video - aint gonna lie. Not gonna go into my fav bit, cause it'll sound mad homo. But yea the tune is aite. Not one of her greatest (like her doin it well cover #nopromo) I even forgot Amber Rose was in it. Which makes it even better. I want a pink Lamborghini!

  3. The song is sub-par, the video's not bad though, I can see what she was trying to do but it didn't really work, kinda looks/sounds like something from 2000/2001.

    Be interesting to see what Drake's new video's gonna be like, it seems like Y.M don't know what they're doing with those two.

    PS. I love the tag; Things I'm not sure of, lol.

  4. I came back to say, I've change my mind. I LOVE THIS SONG! lol
